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Why visiting Egypt?

Lying in the northeast corner of Africa, Egypt is famed for its ancient sites, sun-drenched desert and clear seas with colourful coral and rich marine life. Combining tradition with contemporary, it’s a place where you can find crowded cities filled with bustling bazaars and old mosques, alongside luxurious laid-back resorts with shopping malls and golf courses. Whether you want to admire the ancient Pyramids of Giza, dive into the warm turquoise waters of the Red Sea, sail down the Nile on a felucca, or take a camel ride across the sand dunes, here’s why you should book flights to Egypt.

As a popular tourist destination, the country is easy to get to, with tickets to Egypt available from a wide range of destinations across the world. Just some of the places you can fly to Egypt from include Dubai, London, Mumbai and New\nYork. Cairo\nInternational Airport is the main airport in Egypt, with many travellers choosing to fly to\nCairo due to its close proximity to the pyramids. However, the busy city has plenty more to offer, too. From its historical sites to its buzzing bazaars, amazing street food and stunning architecture, Cairo is a must-visit. Flights to\nHurghada, on Egypt’s Red Sea Coast are popular with travellers, too. A bustling beach-meets-city town with stretches of golden sands, fancy restaurants and lavish 5-star resorts, Hurghada is perfect for holidaymakers. Many people also fly to\nSharm el Sheikh for beautiful beaches and some of the best diving spots in the world.

Due to its rich history, flights to Egypt are popular with those wanting to see the country’s ancient sites. The Pyramids of Giza, originally built as tombs by the ancient Egyptians, are one of the world’s most famous monuments. Here you’ll also find the Great Sphinx, an incredible limestone statue. Other ancient sites for your itinerary include Abu Simbel, incredible temples that have been carved into the cliff on the banks of the River Nile and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, home to thousands of Egyptian artifacts. A trip to Luxor with its ancient Egyptian temples including the incredible Karnak temple and the nearby Valley of the Kings, a valley housing over 60 royal tombs built for the pharaohs, are also a must.

Whether you want to relax on sandy beaches, release adrenaline in the desert or explore the ancient Egyptian sites, book flights to Egypt for a country that has it all.

Top Cities to Visit in Egypt

Check out popular cities in Egypt and find flights to the cities below.

Latest Flight Deals to Egypt from €61

Search for one-way or return flights to Egypt. Choose from the popular airlines below and book your flight today for as little as €61!

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Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Find the best time to fly

Check out price trend charts for flights to popular cities in Egypt and discover the best time to book affordable tickets.

  • Cairo
Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Flight Information to Egypt

Cheapest direct flight price


Cheapest return ticket price


Cheapest month


Peak season for travel


Popular airline

Royal Air Maroc

Cheapest month


How to find a cheap flight to Egypt

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight to Egypt. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
Book Early
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Compare Flight Prices
Compare prices on travel agency and airline websites.
Look Out for Deals
Check airline and travel agency websites for latest flight deals
Check One-way Fares
Buying two cheap one-way flights can sometimes be a better deal than a round-trip.
Try Different Dates
Flying during the week, early in the morning, or late at night can help save money.
Use the Trip.com App
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  • Which month has the cheapest flights to Egypt?

    June has the cheapest flights to Egypt and the average cost is €777. This information is for reference only.
  • What are the most popular airlines for flights to Egypt?

    EgyptAir, easyJet and Turkish Airlinesare the most popular airlines flying to Egypt.
  • How long are flights to Egypt?

    It takes approximately 8 hours 52 minutes minutes to fly to Egypt. This information is for reference only.