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Why visiting Grenada?

If you’re looking for a tropical island getaway, flights to Grenada are guaranteed to deliver. A hidden gem in the Caribbean, it’s a beautiful country that’s made up of pristine beaches, lush rainforests, mountainous peaks and tumbling waterfalls. Along with its natural beauty, you can find picturesque towns, historical attractions, bustling markets and a delicious culinary scene that together, make it a must-visit for every kind of traveller. With cheap flights to Grenada on offer, now is the perfect time to start planning your trip to paradise.

With tickets to Grenada, you’ll land at the country’s main airport, Maurice Bishop International Airport. Destinations that fly to Grenada include Frankfurt, New York and Toronto. You can also get connecting flights to Grenada from many other cities such as London, Dubai and Bangkok. St. George's, the capital city, is a picturesque harbour town known for its colourful colonial architecture and bustling market. Here you can explore the historic Fort George, stroll along the picturesque Carenage waterfront and sample the local spices at the Spice Market. Meanwhile, Grand Anse, a popular tourist destination, boasts one of the Caribbean's most stunning beaches, with fine white sands and turquoise waters, making it the perfect place for sunbathing, water sports or to just enjoy the vibrant beachside atmosphere. For a taste of the island's rich history, visit Gouyave, known as the ‘Town that Never Sleeps’, where you can explore the historic Dougaldston Spice Estate and learn about the island's spice production.

There’s plenty of things to see in Grenada. The Grand Etang National Park, nestled in the island's mountainous interior, is a tropical paradise with lush rainforests, sparkling crater lakes and breathtaking hiking trails. You can also visit the Annandale Waterfalls, where cascading waters create a serene oasis or hike to the Seven Sisters Waterfalls for a refreshing swim in natural pools. Another must-see attraction is Fort Frederick, which is perched on a hilltop overlooking St. George's and offers panoramic views of the city and the Caribbean Sea. Dive enthusiasts should also check out the underwater sculpture park, located off the coast of Grenada, where art installations serve as artificial reefs and attract a vibrant marine ecosystem.

Ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Book cheap flights to Grenada today.

Top Cities to Visit in Grenada

Check out popular cities in Grenada and find flights to the cities below.

Latest Flight Deals to Grenada from £303

Search for one-way or return flights to Grenada. Choose from the popular airlines below and book your flight today for as little as £303!

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Find the best time to fly

Check out price trend charts for flights to popular cities in Grenada and discover the best time to book affordable tickets.

Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

How to find a cheap flight to Grenada

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight to Grenada. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
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Check airline and travel agency websites for latest flight deals
Check One-way Fares
Buying two cheap one-way flights can sometimes be a better deal than a round-trip.
Try Different Dates
Flying during the week, early in the morning, or late at night can help save money.
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  • Which month has the cheapest flights to Grenada?

    March has the cheapest flights to Grenada and the average cost is £1,371. This information is for reference only.
  • What are the most popular airlines for flights to Grenada?

    Jetblue Airwaysis the most popular airline flying to Grenada.
  • How long are flights to Grenada?

    It takes approximately 16 hours 3 minutes minutes to fly to Grenada. This information is for reference only.