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Why visiting Panama?

Whether you want to explore the cosmopolitan streets of Panama City, snorkel off the coast of Bocas del Toro or hike through waterfall-filled jungles in the Chiriquí province, Panama is a destination with so much to offer. Although renowned for its famous canal, the country is home to plenty of other exciting attractions that make it a must-visit destination. Perfect for couples, families and solo travellers alike, cheap flights to Panama are your gateway to an exciting adventure.

Wedged between Costa Rica and Colombia, Panama is one of Central America’s most captivating destinations. And with a range of airlines offering tickets to Panama, it’s a convenient destination to get to, too. You can fly to Panama direct from cities such as New York, Istanbul, Toronto and Paris and you can also book connecting flights to Panama from destinations including London and Bangkok. The country is home to several popular tourist cities that offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences and historical sites. Panama City, the capital and largest city, is a cosmopolitan hub with a stunning skyline. Wander through the historic Casco Viejo district, immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture at one of the bustling markets, explore the city’s fascinating museums and stand in awe at its ancient landmarks. Bocas del Toro is another popular destination in Panama with many tourists flocking to the archipelago for its pristine beaches and colourful marine life. The Chiriquí province is also popular with nature lovers wanting to witness the areas stunning landscape that’s dotted with mountains, waterfalls and rivers.

Cheap flights to Panama are perfect for a sightseeing break. The country boasts several famous landmarks that showcase its natural wonders and historical significance. The Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering, is undoubtedly the country's most iconic landmark. Take a tour to witness the intricate lock system and learn about the canal's history. In Panama City, the neighbourhood of Casco Viejo is a must for history lovers with its winding alleys and well-preserved historic buildings. Meanwhile nature lovers and adventure seekers can’t miss the Volcan Barú, the country’s highest peak and the perfect place for a scenic hike. And talking of hikes, the Soberania National Park with its tropical jungles and incredible wildlife is also a great place to head. Or for those looking for relaxation, the Bocas del Toro archipelago or the beautiful San Blas Islands with their crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches are just what you need.

Book cheap flights to Panama today and start planning your Central American adventure.

Top Cities to Visit in Panama

Check out popular cities in Panama and find flights to the cities below.

Latest Flight Deals to Panama from £237

Search for one-way or return flights to Panama. Choose from the popular airlines below and book your flight today for as little as £237!

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Find the best time to fly

Check out price trend charts for flights to popular cities in Panama and discover the best time to book affordable tickets.

Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

How to find a cheap flight from Columbus to Panama

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight from Columbus to Panama. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
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Check One-way Fares
Buying two cheap one-way flights can sometimes be a better deal than a round-trip.
Try Different Dates
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  • Which month has the cheapest flights to Panama?

    March has the cheapest flights to Panama and the average cost is £1,061. This information is for reference only.
  • What are the most popular airlines for flights to Panama?

    Avianca, Turkish Airlines and Air Europaare the most popular airlines flying to Panama.
  • How long are flights to Panama?

    It takes approximately 22 hours 44 minutes minutes to fly to Panama. This information is for reference only.