I travel a lot and have rarely left a negative review over decades, but I need to warn folks about this place. I have stayed here many times over the last decade but it has continued to go down hill. I stayed there 17 May 2022 - got in late - desk clerk was friendly. They did away with continental breakfast and she offered a brown bag substitute already prepared. They gave me my military discount. Things seemed ok but I had trouble sleeping because of the extremely strong detergent smell in the bedding. It was overwhelming. My hand started itching and I thought I would get a shirt from my bag and cover the pillow with it to dampen the smell. As I walked back to the bed to grab the pillow, there next to it was a big bed bug. Having had experience with them long in the past I killed it and a fresh red spot of my own blood smeared the sheet. I tore the bed apart to see if there were more in the usual spots along the seams. I killed three more smaller bed bugs in the sheets.The mattress seemed very new with no signs of bed bugs. But I could see old blood spots on the sheets which told me they had a history here. I pulled the bed out from the wall and the king mattress down from the double box springs. Now exposed to the light were a dozen bed bugs of various sizes. I started killing them but as I pulled the mattress down more, even more appeared and lots of little ones. This was too much! I quickly threw on my clothes and went out the door to find someone. No one on night shift!!! So I quickly packed my stuff up and threw it all in the trunk. I left a nasty hand written note about the bed bugs, left the door open and ran for the hills. I was tired. I had only stayed in the room till about quarter after one AM. (less that two hours in the room) I drove an hour to Dumas and found a clean room for half the price an hour later. This totally threw off my time schedule because I didn't get to sleep until 0230 am and slept till 830am (late for me). I am certain no one from Wyndham will be interested in giving me a refund, no matter how so very sorry they are. LOL. I will never stay at that hotel again!!! If there is bed bugs in one room (Room 106) they are likely in others. I left my stuff outside in the heat for a week before I brought it in the house to ensure there were no hitch hikers. All I can say is.... Yuck, Gross, Ewwwwww!!!!!
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