Arras - Bordeaux TGV INOUI Train Tickets from £148.26

Arras - Bordeaux TGV INOUI Train Tickets from £148.26

Search and buy cheap tickets for TGV INOUI trains

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Arras to Bordeaux Train Prices and Times

Organising a journey from Arras to Bordeaux? offers TGV INOUI tickets starting at £148.26, with the average fare for this route being approximately £157.28. We advise exploring split ticket methods to ensure you get the lowest possible prices.
  • Fri, Feb 28
  • Sat, Mar 1
    From £148.26
  • Sun, Mar 2
    From £148.26
  • Mon, Mar 3
    From £148.26
  • Tue, Mar 4
    From £148.26
  • Wed, Mar 5
    From £148.26
  • Thu, Mar 6
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Arras to Bordeaux Train Route Details

The earliest departure time from Arras to Bordeaux is 08:08, and the latest departure time is 13:41. The lowest price is typically £148.26. You can refer to our route information table to plan your train journey in advance.

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From £148.26
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TGV INOUI and SNCF trains offers

Tailored to different age groups, SNCF ticket deals help you find the ideal discount card or subscription. Due to the limited availability and dependency on train times and routes, it is recommended to book early to access all discounted tickets and make the most of your discount card or subscription.
TGV INOUI and SNCF trains offers

Take INTERCITÉS night trains

For affordable and time-saving overnight travel, Intercités de Nuit is an excellent choice. These night trains are equipped with 1st class 4-berth couchettes, 2nd class 6-berth couchettes, and reclining seats. Prices start at €19 for seated places and €29 for berths in 1st and 2nd class.

Book tickets in advance

Booking second-class SNCF tickets 3-4 months ahead can save you an average of 35%. As train fares generally increase over time due to decreasing ticket availability, budget-conscious travellers should book early to get the best deals.

SNCF Advantage Card

Priced at €49 per year, the Carte Avantage offers 30% savings for adults and 60% savings for children, with three profiles to suit your needs: Jeune (ages 12-27), Adulte (ages 27-59), and Senior (ages 60 and up).

TGV INOUI and SNCF onboard services

When you travel on TGV INOUI trains from Arras to Bordeaux, you can take advantage of a range of services designed to improve your travel experience.

Travel in comfort with adjustable seats, power outlets, and free WiFi. Use retractable shelves for working or dining, and a soft reading light for reading. Luggage storage is provided for heavy or bulky items at the compartment entrance and luggage racks in the lounge for cabin baggage. Families can also enjoy a stress-free journey with a dedicated Family Space.

The differences between first and second class services on TGV INOUI trains include:

  1. First class provides each passenger with an individual electrical outlet, while second class shares one outlet between two passengers.
  2. First class offers greater comfort with rows of three seats instead of four, providing extra legroom.

Arras - Bordeaux SNCF tickets

When you travel on TGV INOUI trains, you have the option to select from four ticket types: Prem's, Seconde, Première, and Business Première. Each type comes with its own fares, services, and policies for changes and refunds. This enables you to choose the ticket that best fits your travel requirements.

Arras - Bordeaux SNCF tickets

TGV Prem's

Starting from just €15, TGV INOUI Prem's tickets provide the lowest travel fares. They can be exchanged and refunded according to specific terms and conditions, and are available up to four months in advance.

TGV Seconde

Enjoy reasonably priced and flexible travel with Seconde class tickets. You can save up to 35% by booking three months in advance, and tickets are exchangeable or refundable under certain conditions.

TGV Première

For greater comfort and exclusive benefits, book TGV Première class (First class) tickets. Enjoy reclining seats and flexible booking options. Tickets can be exchanged and refunded under certain conditions.

TGV INOUI Business Première

Experience the most premium travel with Business Première tickets. Take advantage of the most flexible fare, offering free, unconditional exchanges and refunds up to 30 minutes after departure. Enjoy exclusive services such as lounge access for a relaxing experience.

How to buy cheap SNCF train tickets

  • Book in Advance

    Book in Advance

    Booking 90-180 days in advance can get you cheaper SNCF train tickets, available for you to plan your itinerary.

  • Travel with SNCF Intercities trains

    Travel with SNCF Intercities trains

    Choose from two classes offering quiet zones, special play areas for children, and more. Reach destinations like Le Havre, Lyon, and Bordeaux.

  • Consider TER regional trains

    Consider TER regional trains

    Enjoy up to 7,500 daily services, including regional routes and essential commuter trains connecting major French cities.

  • Use Discounts

    Use Discounts

    Frequently offers promotions and discounts.

Why Book Train Tickets with

  • SNCF train tickets in France

    SNCF train tickets in France

    Reach various cities by TGV INOUI, Intercities, and TER trains

  • No booking fees in App

    No booking fees in App

    Only pay for your train travel – no hidden fees on your Arras to Bordeaux journey

  • 200+ Destinations

    200+ Destinations

    Travel to Paris, Marseille, Lyon and over 200 destinations

  • Online Customer Service

    Online Customer Service

    Prompt online assistance for your convenience