Book tickets in advance
Securing second-class SNCF tickets 3-4 months ahead typically offers an average saving of 35%. As ticket availability decreases, train fares tend to rise, so budget-conscious travellers are advised to book in advance to ensure the best prices.
Take INTERCITÉS night trains
Intercités de Nuit provide cost-effective and efficient overnight travel options. The night trains include 1st class 4-berth couchettes, 2nd class 6-berth couchettes, and reclining seats. Ticket prices begin at €19 for seated places and €29 for berths in both 1st and 2nd class.
SNCF Advantage Card
At a fixed rate of €49 per year, the Carte Avantage saves 30% for adults and 60% for children, with three profiles tailored to your needs: Jeune (ages 12-27), Adulte (ages 27-59), and Senior (ages 60 and up).