Train Tickets to Pisa
Rome Termini to Pisa Central
2h 17m
Florence S.M.Novella to Pisa Central
Milan Central to Pisa Central
3h 15m
Key train stations in Pisa
There are 3 key inbound stations in Pisa: Pisa Central, Pisa Airport, Pisa S. Rossore, listed below. We have also included popular routes, journey time and cheapest price to help you decide your best route.
- Trains to
Pisa Central
Pisa Airport
Pisa S. Rossore
How to buy cheap train tickets in Italy
Book in Advance
Advance booking is usually available for purchase 12 weeks before you travel and helps save a lot.
Consider regional trains
In Italy, regional trains are typically more affordable than high-speed trains. You can consider them to save money with a flexible schedule.
Split Tickets
Split Tickets offer cheaper train solutions in Italy, saving an average of 25% and up to 85%, while also reducing travel time.
Buy Return Tickets
Trenitalia's Base ticket for Frecce and Intercity (except Intercity Night) and Italo's Standard Class (excluding Fridays and Sundays) enjoy 10%-50% discounts on return tickets.
Popular Pisa train routes
Trains to Pisa