Monzón-Río Cinca train station

Monzón-Río Cinca train station

Monzón-Río Cinca live timetable

Our live timetable provides real-time information on train schedules and services for passengers travelling to and from Monzón-Río Cinca, check now to plan your next journey.

  • Departures

  • Arrivals

TrainTimePlatformTrain OperatorStatus
Madrid to Monzón-Río Cinca16:00-renfe
Zaragoza to Monzón-Río Cinca06:21-RENFE_OTHER,AVE
Zaragoza-Delicias to Monzón-Río Cinca15:15-RENFE_OTHER,AVE
Zaragoza-Goya to Monzón-Río Cinca09:02-RENFE_OTHER
Lleida to Monzón-Río Cinca13:01-RENFE_OTHER,AVE
TrainTimePlatformTrain OperatorStatus
Madrid to Monzón-Río Cinca16:00-renfe
Zaragoza to Monzón-Río Cinca06:21-RENFE_OTHER,AVE
Zaragoza-Delicias to Monzón-Río Cinca15:15-RENFE_OTHER,AVE
Zaragoza-Goya to Monzón-Río Cinca09:02-RENFE_OTHER
Lleida to Monzón-Río Cinca13:01-RENFE_OTHER,AVE

Station Details

Address: null

How to buy cheap Spanish train tickets

  • Book in Advance

    Book in Advance

    Booking 60-90 days in advance can get you cheaper Renfe train tickets, available for you to plan your itinerary.

  • Buy a Return ticket

    Buy a Return ticket

    A Return ticket includes both the outward and returning journeys, cheaper than buying two separate single tickets.

  • Consider Básico or Inicial ticket types

    Consider Básico or Inicial ticket types

    Renfe's Básico, iryo's Inicial or Ouigo trains, can give you the cheapest price accordingly.
  • Use discounts

    Use discounts

    Frequently offers promotions and discounts.