Below, you can find an extensive list of popular UK destinations and stations via train, including the major train stations for each city or town.
Wherever you’re headed, we’ve got you covered. Simply click on the location you’re looking for to access tickets, journey information, live departures and arrivals, station information and FAQs.
Trains to UK destinations and stations
Greater London
East of England
East Midlands
West Midlands
North East
North West
Yorkshire and The Humber
South East
South West

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How to find your destination

We've made it easy to find all you need to know about your destination.
- If you're looking for a station, enter either the name of the city it's located within into the textbox, or use the A–Z breakdown to browse the list.
- Select the destination you're interested in to find an in-depth breakdown, including station information, live departures and arrivals, and FAQs.
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