Train Tickets to Inverurie
Dalgety Bay to Inverurie
2h 55m
Inverkeithing to Inverurie
2h 51m
Train travel to Inverurie guide
Which train companies run trains to Inverurie?
ScotRail are the only company who run trains to and from Inverurie, providing frequent services to various locations across the UK.
What are Inverurie's opening hours?
For Inverurie, the first train typically departs at 0:04 and the final train departs at 23:58, but be sure to check prior to your journey as this is subject to change.
Pick up & drop off at Inverurie
Inverurie provides parking and pick-up/drop-off services for convenient travel.
Connectivity of the Inverurie?
Some of the key routes to Inverurie include trains to and from Aberdeen, Inverness, Glasgow, Insch and Glasgow Queen Street. You can also typically expect frequent bus routes and taxis for further travel from Inverurie. Be sure to use our train finder for your upcoming journey.
Inverurie live timetable
Our live timetable provides real-time information on train schedules and services for passengers travelling to and from Inverurie, check now to plan your next journey.
Train | Time | Platform | Train Operator | Status |
Train | Time | Platform | Train Operator | Status |
Station Details
Address: null
Bicycle rental
Bicycle parking
Sheltered storage
CCTV at storage area
Public Wi-Fi
Cards and coins
Post box
Seating facilities
First class lounge
Seating area
Waiting room
Tourist information office
Ticket Office
Ticket office open
Ticket machine
Use Oyster cards
Oyster top-up
Bus service
Car park
Taxi Rank
Metro service
Customer help point
Accessible ticket machine
Ramp for train access
Accessible toilet
Customer support
Left luggage
Lost property
Currency exchange
How to buy cheap train tickets to Inverurie
Book in Advance
Advanced train tickets are typically the most cost-effective option for train travel. They are usually available for purchase 12 weeks before the travel date.
Use a Railcard
Using a Railcard to get an average of 1/3 off and explore more train routes for commuting, family & friends trips and weekend getaways.
Travel in off-peak time
Save on train fare by avoiding peak times and travelling off-peak, allowing for the flexibility of your travel schedule.
Split Tickets
Save an extra 30% on train fare by splitting a long train journey into two parts and enjoy the same service at a cheaper price.