Best Restaurants in June in Bostad (Updated 2024)

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2Restaurant Lofotmat

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M54***51Who knows 😱 I was really crying by Lofoten Food 🔥. The previous super brother said that Lofoten's natural scenery is invincible. In fact, the food here is also very good. Super brother can't adapt to the salty fish soup here at the beginning. It's been a long time, and the Chinese stomach of Super brother is not picked. Now it is "really fragrant"~✨ Brother Chao has inventoryd a few small shops for everyone, and choose on demand! 💎Fiskekrogen Henningsv r (seafood restaurant) 📍 Address: Dreyers gate 29, 8312 Henningsv r walk 🦶 about 10min to the football field at the end of the world. His seafood, European, Nordic, Norwegian cuisine are available, and it is also suitable for vegetarianism. His home is an old brand restaurant in the fishing village! Because it is close to the pier, you can also see the exterior scenery when you eat! Super brother strongly recommends his fish soup! ! Fresh and delicious, seafood, European, Nordic, Norwegian cuisine, two or three hundred per capita can get √ food! ! 💎 Makalaus📍 Location: Storgata 27, Lakenes Restaurant → Lei Wei and Swollen are about 1h drive away. They mainly provide bar meals and fast food from various countries. Super brother thinks his lamb 🐏 legs have a good flavor! ! ! Quack fragrant! But his family's main carp cake seafood burger, as well as Nordic specialty fish dried souvenirs, Super brother suggested to smell it in advance, some treasures are probably not used to this taste! .💎Restaurant Lofotmat📍 Location :Dreyers gate 56, Honingswog his carp is very good, super special Lofodon cuisine! On the way to the football field! Walk for about 10 minutes, if Baozi doesn't know what to order, you can ask the waiter to help, they are very enthusiastic! ! 💰 about 200 per capita! .💎 Anita's Sjmat 📍 Location: Sakrisya, 8390 Reine Restaurant → Leiqi Town 7min drive, is also an Internet celebrity restaurant, more fast food! Just in Leiqi, Chao Ge thinks the fish burger here is really worth a try! Made of salmon! All the raw materials in this restaurant are derived from fishermen in the fishing village of Rofden, who hang the salted fish dried with pickled monkfish and cod on the roof of the restaurant, which is very special! Agricultural products here also, I buy one every time, can not control the heart I want to buy! ! There are also tea, soap, etc., the variety is quite complete~.💎 Gadus📍 Location: Hamnoeya 41, Leiyan Moskenes Municipality Italian food, European, Norwegian cuisine, seafood, healthy dining, Nordic flavor ~ near a very popular restaurant, there are many online red punching seats, located in Leiyan, I ordered a FRUTTI DI MARE (seafood pasta), the seasoning is very unique, The ingredients are simple, but the taste is outstanding! Really good value for money! The Italian meal is great and unexpectedly delicious. Of course, the traditional Norwegian dishes here are not thundered. Tiramisu must come! 😱 Brother Chao reminds everyone. If you need to book a restaurant, you must call to confirm the reservation. Sometimes the store does not open the door according to the official business hours! Of course, the cost-effective thing is to find a reliable supermarket and kitchen accommodation, do it yourself, after all, everyone's Chinese stomach can't adapt well to local meals! ✔️ After writing in Shanghai, although Lofodon has a bus route, many places can't be reached at all. It is difficult to walk without a car. It is not very close between points and points. Don't think about walking. Super brother directly let you deny this idea! The treasure on the island must be considered! And you can ask me anything about Rofton~~.#Nordic#Norway#Rofton#Thunder#Nordic Chartered#Car Chartered Travel#Travel

8Anitas Sjomat

4 Reviews
M54***51谁懂啊😱我真的被罗弗敦美食馋哭🔥.前面超哥就说到罗弗敦的自然风光无敌,其实这里的美食也是非常不错的,超哥刚开始不能适应这里的咸 鱼汤等,时间久了,超哥的中国胃不挑了,现在就是“真香”~✨ 超哥给大家盘点了几家小店,按需选择喔!.💎Fiskekrogen Henningsvær(海鲜馆)📍地址:Dreyers gate 29, 8312 Henningsvær步行🦶到世界尽头足球场大概10min,他家海鲜, 欧洲, 北欧风味, 挪威菜都有,也适合素食主义的宝子,他家是渔村的老牌子餐馆!因为靠着码头,用餐还能看看外景!超哥强烈推 荐他家的鱼汤!!新鲜美味,海鲜, 欧洲, 北欧风味, 挪威菜,人均两三百就可以get√美食!!.💎Makalaus📍位置:Storgata 27, 莱克内斯 餐厅→雷讷和斯沃尔维尔都是大概1h车程,主要提供酒吧餐快餐各国料理,,超哥觉得他家小羊🐏腿风味不错!!!嘎嘎香!但他家主打鳕鱼饼海鲜汉堡,还有北欧特色鱼干纪念品,超哥建议提前闻一闻,有的宝子估计不习惯这味道!.💎Restaurant Lofotmat📍位置:Dreyers gate 56, 霍宁斯沃格他家鳕鱼做的很好,超特色的罗弗敦美食!在去足球场的必经之路上!步行10min左右,如果宝子不知道点什么,可以让服务员帮忙,他们很热情!!人均💰2百左右!.💎Anita's Sjømat📍位置:Sakrisøya, 8390 Reine餐厅→雷讷小镇7min的车程,也是一家网红餐厅了,比较偏快餐!就在雷讷,超哥觉得这里的鱼肉汉堡真的值得一试!鳕鱼做的!这家餐厅的所有原材料来源于罗弗敦渔村的渔民,他们用腌制的monkfish和cod做的咸鱼干挂在了餐厅屋顶,很有特色!农产品这里也有,我是每去一次买一个,控制不住自己想买的心!!还有茶叶,香皂等,种类还是挺全的~.💎Gadus📍位置:Hamnoeya 41, 雷讷Moskenes Municipality意餐, 欧洲, 挪威菜, 海鲜, 健康餐饮, 北欧风味蕞近很火的餐厅,有很多网红的打卡机位,位于雷讷,我点了份FRUTTI DI MARE(海鲜意面),调味很独特,配料很简单,但是味道很出众!确实物有所值!意餐很棒,出乎意料的好吃,当然这里的传统挪威菜也不踩雷,提拉米苏一定要来一份!.😱超哥给大家提个醒,如果需要预定餐厅,一定要打电话确认预定,有时候店家不按照官方营业时间开门!当然,蕞划算的就是找个靠谱的超市和有厨房的住宿,自己做,毕竟大家的中国胃不能很好的适应当地的餐食!.✔️ 写在蕞后,罗弗敦虽然有公车的路线,但是很多地方根本到不了,没车寸步难行,点与点之间离的不是很近,徒步跟不要想,超哥直接让你否定这个想法!上岛的宝子一定要考虑喔!还有关于罗弗敦的什么都可以问我~~.#北欧#挪威#罗弗敦#雷讷#北欧包车#包车旅行#旅游