Best Restaurants in May in Guyuan (Updated 2024)

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£3Fast Food
23hhbj韩#Local food can only be eaten The old white teacher should be the hardest bubble shop in Ningxia. I found many shops in Yinchuan, but I resisted eating, because I had to go to the birthplace to eat [smiling] [mint] Environment: The elevator went up to the third floor, and found that it was very big after coming in. The thick solid wood table is growing, full of more than 200 people [smug] [service bell] Service: After ordering the meal, the meal will be delivered by number, the speed is relatively slow, the others are basically self-service, tea, napkins have to do their own food [smiling] There are two main dishes here: stew and baked dumplings, beef or lamb can be selected, and the portion can also be selected. Both soups are the same, the difference is that the meat is used in coarse powder, and there are more side dishes such as fungus and yellow flowers. The bubble is used by fans without other accessories. This is very different from the Shaanxi version. The style is closer to the basin, and the price of the bubble is not including the sputum. Need to buy [dazed] In terms of taste, the soup, meat, and powder are great, especially the quality and portion of the meat are very high, the price is much lower than the store in Yinchuan, the meat is fresh, it is said that they are all fresh meat sent the night before, the meat quality of the soup is also reasonable [satisfaction] In addition to these two, I also ordered a fried back-cooked meat, which is similar to Gansu fried lamb seasoning. The same can be selected for beef and mutton, and then fried with noodles, yellow flowers, and green vegetables with peppers. The price is 35, three or two meats, the taste is very good, and a bowl of clear soup is also sent. The amount of meat is also enough to be enough, and a bowl of rice is quite awkward [laughing]