Best Restaurants in June in Lyon (Updated 2024)

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37Le Passe Temps

24 Reviews
摆渡修行Asian French food, Korean French restaurant. This time it was the second brush of the classmate. When I went to Lyon, my friend took me to this place. At that time, I ordered the signature menu in the restaurant: this time I chose 5 Menu balade. - Welcome snack: green tomato soup, slightly sour soup, refreshing appetizer. Three snacks love the sweet and sour onion crisps, fish cream pie is good, sesame crisps are slightly thicker. - Beef stew: Beef stew is covered with mousse cream and seaweed powder after being served with egg yolk. The beef is very good, the smell is not heavy, but the hemp oil is too much, the beef taste is covered up. The taste of mousse cream is very fond of. - Tuna with asparagus: a beautiful dish, tuna sashimi and asparagus are cut into pieces, with vinegar and wine cream made of Western cilantro, dotted with some fish seeds, taste layer by layer when eaten, soft of high quality tuna, crisp of asparagus, There is also a bursting pulp of fish seeds. The whole salty flavor, with the slightly acidic seasoning of western vinegar, becomes a refreshing dish suitable for summer. - More treasure fish: More treasure fish with pea and pea sauce, seasoned with lemon sauce and aromatherapy, and finally a little pickled apple. The fried fish has a good texture, and the peas are burned in butter and the taste is softer. - Beef chunks: Well? Almost all of them are raw, but they are not fishy, but one piece is really too hard to chew, almost swallowed by drinking water. The sauce tastes good, and there is a pickled mini garlic, sweet and sour, and the whole is not too salty meat staple. - Cheese plate: It is the restaurant that has already selected, one sheep's milk, two milk, milk soft, especially with jam, delicious. - Strawberry ice cream: Strawberry ice cream with basil leaf cream and olive oil mousse, the harmony is quite harmonious, that is, Leaf cream always has a sudden feeling of eating green sauce, olive oil mousse is more milk flavor. Strawberry ice cream tastes good, that is, the strawberries are a bit sour.