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Why visiting Belgium?

Belgium may be small, but it has plenty to offer. And we’re not just talking about its gastronomical delights. Although if you’re wanting to indulge in world-class waffles, the finest chocolates and mouth-watering crispy ‘frites’ all washed down with a nice cold beer, there’s no better place than Belgium. Beyond its food and drink is a country with a vibrant culture, picture-perfect towns, incredible architecture and buzzing music festivals. It’s diverse, it’s exciting and it should be on everyone’s bucket list. Whether you’re looking for a romantic city break or a fun-filled family adventure, here’s why you should book flights to Belgium.

Located in western Europe, the country is a convenient destination to get to, with many airlines offering tickets to Belgium from all over the world. You can fly to Belgium from cities including London, New York, Madrid and Doha, amongst many others. As a small country, it’s easy to combine a few cities into just one trip, too. Belgium’s busiest airport lies in the capital city of Brussels, home to NATO headquarters. Along with its political importance, it’s a cultural city with an abundance of fascinating museums and galleries, a medieval old town and plenty of lively bars and restaurants to choose from. Just a short train ride away, you’ll find the beautiful city of Ghent with its buzzing university scene, historical landmarks and picturesque neighbourhoods bursting with beautiful architecture. Flights to Antwerp are also popular with travellers. A cool and cultural city, it boasts impressive architecture, trendy coffee bars, fancy fashion boutiques and lively clubs. And finally, the list wouldn’t be complete without the fairy-tale city of Bruges. A picturesque place that’s sure to steal your heart, here you can find old cobblestone streets, pretty canals and colourful squares.

With impressive landmarks scattered across the country, flights to Belgium are perfect for those looking for a sightseeing break. In Antwerp, check out the Grand Place, a bustling medieval plaza with incredible architecture. Or if you’re in Bruges, the Belfry of Bruges, a 13th century bell tower that you can climb for picture-perfect views of the city, and the Basilica of the Holy Blood, a 12th century chapel with its Roman and Gothic architecture, are both a must-visit. Not forgetting the city’s beautiful canals where you can cruise along and admire the town’s historic setting. Meanwhile in Ghent, you can find Gravensteen, a well-preserved medieval castle, and St Bavo’s Cathedral, a tall catholic cathedral with Gothic architecture. Flanders Fields, near the town of Ypres is also a must for those wanting to learn more about the history of the country.

Whether it’s for a week, weekend or something longer, book flights to Belgium for an exciting European adventure.

Top Cities to Visit in Belgium

Check out popular cities in Belgium and find flights to the cities below.

Latest Flight Deals to Belgium from £55

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Check out price trend charts for flights to popular cities in Belgium and discover the best time to book affordable tickets.

Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

How to find a cheap flight from Columbus to Belgium

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight from Columbus to Belgium. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
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  • Which month has the cheapest flights to Belgium?

    July has the cheapest flights to Belgium and the average cost is £237. This information is for reference only.
  • What are the most popular airlines for flights to Belgium?

    British Airways and Brussels Airlinesare the most popular airlines flying to Belgium.
  • How long are flights to Belgium?

    It takes approximately 10 hours 7 minutes minutes to fly to Belgium. This information is for reference only.