
Jiangshi Manor Review

3.7 /524 Reviews
Original Text
It is the private house of Jiang Yaozu, the owner of the northern Shaanxi big money, who invested a huge amount of capital in Qingguangxu for 16 years. Jiang's manor brick, wood, stone three carving art is very particular, the whole manor is carved everywhere, everywhere, as large as the whole architectural design, small to each small device, there are countless "carving" art, these fully explain the owner's intelligence and cultural connotation, It reflects the unique architectural technology and historical and artistic value.

Jiangshi Manor

Posted: Jan 17, 2020
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  • xue***an
    Original Text

    But Mizhi is mainly to see Jiang's Manor. I also checked in advance, and some people said that I couldn't pass by, and I came with the attitude of trying. The traffic is really inconvenient and suitable for self-driving tours. Because of road construction, I can only go from Yangjialing. Zhongba only went to Yangjialing, and the rest of him, but Taozhen, went to the manor. China Badan Yangjialing round trip 80 yuan. Later, the owner of the snack bar went back and forth with 200 packages, and went to the two attractions of Yangjialing and Jiang's Manor. It is worth going. It is not written in detail. There are many online. It mainly records how to go.

    Posted: Jul 15, 2020
  • vivienvivien
    Original Text

    Jiang's Manor was built during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is a private house that Jiang Yaozu, the owner of the big wealth in northern Shaanxi, asked Beijing experts to design and invest a huge investment in 16 years. The main building is the highest grade of "Mingwu Dark Four and Six Xiang Kilns" type cave courtyard in Shaanxi.

    Posted: Oct 23, 2019
  • 奇峰云海
    Original Text

    Going, 18 kilometers away from Suide County, driving past is a national road, flat asphalt road, there are signs, but it is under maintenance, temporarily do not accept tourists, but we are talking about the next, the dirt road to the top of the mountain, it is a coincidence, there is a household on it, I bought her black millet, and ordinary yellow millet and black beans, Jiang's manor, just beside the cave where she lived, she gave me a point about the situation in the manor, and took me to the top of the mountain to overlook the whole view of the manor. If you have seen, Shanxi's Wang's compound, Qiao's compound, Shi's compound and Li's compound, this Jiang's manor is simply not worth mentioning, because it is just a landlord's courtyard, the other is the court order officer or the big rich man's compound.

    Posted: May 1, 2022
  • M50***01


    Posted: Oct 19, 2022
  • 报纸鱼

    姜氏庄园在米脂县城大约东北方向15里地的地方,已经有130年的历史了。携程上介绍米脂县城有班车,确实不错,但都是县城之间的中巴小班车,在城里到处转悠拉人不肯走(但在其中可以体会到陕北风情,很有意思),但是真要走起来大约半个小时就到了,车费只要5元。姜氏庄园也差不多就在路边,蛮方便。我是8月下旬去的,正好赶上装修谢绝参观(当时那个郁闷),不过陕北老乡就是好,给我指了一条山路让我在窑背(懂吗?)上看看姜氏庄园的全貌。拍照片的时候还遇到了他们邻居老爷爷,给我声情并茂得讲述姜氏庄园以前的辉煌……陕北人真是热心真是好人(感动的眼泪哗哗的)。拍完照片后碰到了姜氏庄园里面的住户(厨房这家)的阿姨,她老公是姜氏的第四代孙,也姓姜,问我要不要住宿。30元一天包吃包住(别惊讶),我犹豫是因为米脂县城已经订好了房间。但是我看到大院子好美,好安静,忍不住答应进去看看。一进门阿姨就给我吃水果,梨,香瓜,西红柿,玉米。。阿姨好朴实,看我一个人,不停得跟我说别害怕,呵呵,有啥怕的呢。阿姨的窑洞好干净,毕竟是大户人家,窑洞比我以前住过的窑洞要更好。忍不住啊,就住了一晚。阿姨叔叔都是特好的人,还给我打听第二天去县城的车,好让我别花钱。实际也无所谓啦,我不需要人那么照顾的。在这里吃饭水果管够~临走的时候阿姨叔叔还让我带十几个早晨刚摘的桃……我真带不了啊。。只带了4个:P 还给阿姨叔叔拍了照片做留念,回头给阿姨叔叔寄回去~ 下次去陕北玩,一定还要去这里住上几天,最好是中秋时节,水果都下来了呢。回来这么久了,还是对那里念念不忘。我觉得出去玩就是要体验当地的民生,不然随便看看有什么意思呢。 真心建议去玩的同学一定要在这里住一晚啊。。。呵,我留了阿姨叔叔的电话,为避免做广告,就不留在这里啦。真有心去玩的同学跟我联系,我这里还有好多姜氏庄园的照片呢,另外,还可以给你参考我榆林游的线路~MSN:kitty_hut@hotmail.com QQ:12510084

    Posted: Sep 24, 2008
  • 天边的海999


    Posted: Mar 20, 2019
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