Alcobaça Monastery
Alcobaça Monastery
Alcobaça Monastery
Alcobaça Monastery

Photos of Alcobaça Monastery

Located in the administrative district of Leiria, Portugal, the Alcobaça Monastery was built at the end of the 12th century and consists of a church, 5 cloisters, 7 dormitories, a residence for outsiders, a kitchen and a dining hall. The church is simple and solemn, with 999 monks in its heyday. In the monastery of Alcobaça, there is the largest early Gothic church in Portugal. At that time, the abbot was also a member of the council that assisted the king, and had the power to manage 13 cities and 4 ports. In the Alcobaça Monastery, there are two coffins of Pedro and his beloved wife Ines. There are many lifelike statues on the coffins, which are exquisite works of art.

Reviews on Alcobaça Monastery

阿尔科巴萨修道院规模宏大、建筑风格鲜明、用料考究、建造细腻,是中世纪哥特艺术的典型代表作。已经被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产。阿尔科巴萨的修道院里,有葡萄牙最长的早期哥特式教堂。很多人到这里来就是为了参观大礼拜堂旁边主祭坛的两个雕刻精美的石棺,这就是最有名的佩德罗(D. Pedro I)和伊内斯的石棺(Inês de Castro)。两个棺椁脚对脚放置,据说是佩德罗认为这样当世界末日到来,两人醒来的时候可以第一眼看见对方。他们的故事被誉为14世纪葡萄牙王室版的“罗密欧与朱丽叶",故事是这样的:14世纪,迫于国家的需要,当时葡萄牙国王阿方索四世的儿子及继承人佩德罗(Pedro)娶了卡斯蒂利亚王国(西班牙)的公主康斯坦兹(Constanza),事实上,佩德罗深爱着公主的侍女伊内斯•德•卡斯特罗(Ines de Castro),并秘密和伊内斯举行了婚礼。康斯坦兹亡故后,佩德罗带着伊内斯跑到科英布拉(现为葡萄牙中部重镇)去生活。阿方索四世警告伊内斯的家人这是危险的,并派人将伊内斯谋杀。两年后,阿方索四世归天,成为国王的佩德罗一世采取了极端的复仇行为,他命人将谋杀伊内斯的2名刽子手除掉,并挖出他们的心脏;同时宣称:他依然要娶伊内斯为妻;佩德罗一世命人挖出伊内斯的尸体,并为她加冕。之后,最最令人毛骨悚然的一幕发生了,佩德罗一世命令宫廷人员在伊内斯面前跪下,并亲吻伊内斯已经腐烂的手。

Attractions Near Alcobaça Monastery

Claustro de D. Dinis
Claustro de D. Dinis
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Capela de Nossa Senhora do Desterro
Capela de Nossa Senhora do Desterro
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Churches and Cathedrals​​landmark
Memorial a Antonio Vieira Natividade
Memorial a Antonio Vieira Natividade
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Restaurants Near Alcobaça Monastery

Restaurante Antonio Padeiro
Restaurante Antonio Padeiro
4.8/543 Reviews
Pratu's Restaurante Bar & Tapas
Pratu's Restaurante Bar & Tapas
4.7/543 Reviews
A Casa
A Casa
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Hotels Near Alcobaça Monastery