Photos of Chengtian Temple

Chengtian Temple is located on the east side of Nanjun Lane opposite Chengtian Lane in the center of Quanzhou, also known as Yuetai Temple. It's hard to imagine that such a vast temple is hidden behind an unremarkable temple gate on trendy Nanjun Road. Chengtian Temple was originally the Nanyuan Garden where the Jiedushi of the Five Dynasties stayed. In the fourth year of Jingde in the Northern Song Dynasty, it was named Chengtian Temple, and the existing temple was rebuilt in the 30th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1692). There are many ancient temples in Quanzhou, but Chengtian Temple is still one of the more famous, and its popularity is second only to Kaiyuan Temple. It has a quiet environment and is a rare and clean place in the busy city. The gate of the temple sits east to west, and the entrance is a platform, with a vertical plaque with the word "platform" hanging high. Entering the mountain gate, there is no worship pavilion, but a long and quiet road. On the south side of the long road, there are seven pagodas. The buildings on the central axis are Tianwang Hall, Maitreya Hall, Daxiong Hall, Fatang, and Wenshu Hall. There are two "release pools" in front of the Daxiong Palace, and there are many turtles in them. The overall architectural style of Chengtian Temple does not have too many gorgeous and complicated buildings in southern Fujian. The structure of the temple is scattered, but it is still spacious and bright, without any garish decoration. There are more than 200 plants such as banyan tree, willow tree, longan tree and white inner leaf tree in the temple, which are hidden among the temples and pavilions, and the shade is everywhere. Stroll in this clean environment, be a leisure person, and feel at ease. There are also some pigeons in the temple, and they are not afraid of people. This was also the place where Master Hongyi lectured and propagated the Dharma. On the pilasters of the mountain gate, Master Hongyi inscribed: "There is immeasurable freedom, and you can enter the unique Dharma gate." You can also find "the incarnation of Master Hongyi" in the temple. But what is more worth going is the hill behind the incarnation, sitting and reading, which makes people linger. You can also sit in a daze under the big banyan tree, listen to the subtle sound of chanting, smell the faint smell of incense, and let your impetuous heart settle. Undoubtedly, Chengtian Temple is a good place to take a rest.

Reviews on Chengtian Temple

承天寺位于福建省泉州市中心承天巷对面南俊巷东侧,又名月台寺,南唐保大末年至中兴初年(公元957-958年)建寺,历代屡经重修,与开元寺、崇福寺并称泉州三大丛林,有“一尘不染”、“梅石生香”等奇景。  其实离开元寺也不算远,跟着导航走大概半小时,初见山门,却不那么显眼,以为就是一个小寺庙,但走进去,却是别有一番天地。  进入山门,是一条宽4.6米、长99.6米、面积458.16米的甬道,甬道南侧,是七座佛塔,间植榕树。有“塔无禽栖”、“榕不过墙”、“蝇不朝天”诸景。南面墙壁上有弘一大师手迹“南无阿弥陀佛”“升无上道、得正法流”、“善悟无碍,永得大安”等禅悟。北面墙壁上嵌有“古铸钱遗址”、“革命遗址”两方石碑。甬道南侧立有一方泉州市人民政府的文物保护石碑。  甬道尾端北转为寺宇密集建筑,全都坐北向南。这与一般寺庙入门就是大殿的格局比较不同。    转入正殿,寺的中轴线依次分布着天王殿、弥勒殿、大雄宝殿、法堂、文殊殿,东轴线的建筑依次是圆常院、广钦和尚图书馆、旧僧舍、新僧舍、客堂、龙王祠、五观堂、南园故址、大悲阁、会泉宏船法师纪念堂、禅堂、涅盘堂、祖堂等。西轴线上原有开山堂、禅堂、光孝寺、王公祠、留公祠、功德堂、许公祠等等,今仅存"檀樾王公祠"。      天气很好,漫步其中,觉得心旷神怡,比起开元寺的游人如织,承天寺更像一个藏于繁华的隐者,一个使人安宁的地方。

Attractions Near Chengtian Temple

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Kaimin Sanwang Ancestral Temple
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Restaurants Near Chengtian Temple

Hou'apo·The Rice Dumpling (zhonglou)
Hou'apo·The Rice Dumpling (zhonglou)
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Hotels Near Chengtian Temple

Youde Hotel
Youde Hotel
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Fengze Hotel
Fengze Hotel
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