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15Crab & Seafood Restaurant (Shimei Bay Branch)

22 Reviews
屁桃张Day1. Qingdao Feimeilan because the plane was delayed to take off, the high-speed rail ticket can only be changed from Shenzhou to Wanning to take a taxi to Jinshi Huanju. It has changed a dress at 5 pm and took a taxi to eat dregs and vinegar near Shenzhou. I am very satisfied. After eating, I strolled around Shenzhou. I came to dedeco unexpectedly and did not attack. Slightly listen to music and drink. It is very pleasant to take a taxi back to Jin. It is very close to the hotel. I went back to the hotel to swim in the pool. Many young people chose to sleep in Jinshi in the morning to wake up naturally. Take some California-style photos by the pool. There are not many people who are very good. I went back to Shenzhou for dinner at noon. I like the coconut chicken dregs and vinegar. The bottom of the coconut chicken soup is sweet. I am not used to eating it. I rented a strawberry bear in the afternoon. The old iron in the northeast can bargain. I resolutely don't add 5 yuan. The boss finally compromised and the people were good. The boss reminded us to pay attention to the safe distance on the right side. There are really many customers who are not used to licking the right side. It is very labor-saving to return the car. The boss didn't see much, but reminded everyone to take a photo before departure. Oh, yes, 300 deposit. Follow the navigation to walk from Shenzhou is half of the coconut grove and half of the sea. When you go up, you feel refreshed. The end of the road is the lighthouse. There is no past. Because Qingdao has a lover's dam, you have not passed. This road can be taken as much as you like! ! After dinner in the evening, I had enough to take a taxi to the Legend Hotel in Riyue Bay. Day3 The hotel provides mornings in the morning. After eating, the hotel presents photos. The little brother is very efficient to take pictures for an hour. It is very efficient. I like it too much. I have a lot of time to drink coffee. I have played in the hotel pool. It is very pleasant. I went to the crab restaurant at noon. It was delicious and fresh. The two people were enough to arrange a destination in the afternoon. The surfing 🏄 The boss of the Northeast, very bold and very interesting, just find a coach for a pair of 4! ! Be sure to listen to advice, no matter what others say, a bunch of 4 is definitely enough. I feel that I have been playing for a long time, I am very happy, I can stand up and feel very accomplished. The boss has photos taken at home, free of charge. I went back to the hotel to change clothes and rest for a while. I went out for a supper at 8:30. There was a "small bar" surrounded by colorful lights on the roadside beach for a long time. I drank a cup and sang really well. Day4 is ready to go home, stayed in Zhuhai for 8 hours, went to Chimelong to play, go home. How to say it, I feel relaxed and comfortable in Wanning, there are indeed a few places that have not gone, but after coming, you feel that you have played very well and satisfied. Go to the place you didn't go in the future ~ #Wanning Travel #Wanning Travel Guide #Wanning must punch in #How to play in Hainan #Hainan Travel