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A little-known Citywalk route in Chongqing that 99% of people don't know about

This native of Chongqing and friends have discovered a new Citywalk route, from Guanyinqiao to Longtousi can actually be walked! And it's not tiring at all! Suitable for friends who like humanities, cultural creativity, history, a route can check in all day! - 1⃣️Guanyinqiao Pedestrian Street Girls who like to take pictures can start at the big slope of Beicheng Tianjie, take a popular photo spot first, and check in in 10 minutes. . 2⃣️Beicang Art District If you're not interested in that big slope, you can start from Beicang Art District, there are many little-known cultural and creative shops here, very suitable for taking pictures and having afternoon tea, many locals like to come here when the weather is good. . 3⃣️Guanyinqiao 'Lonely Fortress' Walk from Beicang towards Jiujie, navigate to Century Apartment, and you'll see this 'nail house' with decades of history, almost all the old houses in Guanyinqiao have been demolished, leaving it alone, we all call it 'Lonely Fortress' . 4⃣️Labor New Second Village Keep walking from the left of the 'Lonely Fortress', and you'll get to this old community, such brick houses are now rare, it is said to be demolished soon, if you like this kind of old community human environment, it looks really good here, as if back to childhood. . 5⃣️Armory Coming out of Labor New Second Village, you can see a red iron gate, we discovered a 'new world' from the iron gate! There is an abandoned armory here, the old city gate outside is very atmospheric! . 6⃣️Underground City Passing through the old city gate, we found that the air-raid shelter here is being transformed, asked the staff, it will be built into a cultural and creative tourist spot in the future! Really too surprised! There are as many as 18 air-raid shelters, each one is very photogenic! 👉Gate of Time Double-layer air-raid shelter overlap, with different colors of lighting can take a very magical feeling. 👉Tank Warehouse Now there is a hole left with tracks, it is recommended to bring a flashlight to take pictures, like exploring the mysterious history of civilization. 👉Underground City Old Hot Pot The first to be developed is the hot pot restaurant, the entire air-raid shelter hot pot has 520 meters, hot pot has 5000㎡, simply the second largest hole hot pot in the universe! So unique! Open at the end of the month, looking forward to it! 7⃣️Longtousi Park Coming out of the hot pot restaurant is actually Longtousi Park, many people like to bring their children to play here, we walked over in about an hour! - Friends who like this little-known route can walk on the weekend‼️
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 8, 2024
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Longtousi Park (North Gate)

4.5/5150 reviews | City Parks
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