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Top 1 Best Things to Do

Popular Best Things to Do in Yishui - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    3546 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 45 reviews
    "It feels good, the underground Grand Canyon is very magical, and the rafting is also very fun, but the rafting needs to go in and buy tickets later. It feels good to come to play in May and June later. Now the firefly water hole doesn't feel much, but it's also very interesting."
    10.5km from downtown
    Highlights: The underground Grand Canyon is located 9 kilometers southwest of Lishui County. It is one of the few karst land caves that can be found in the north. The canyon walls are cut cleanly on both sides, and the stalactites gleam brilliantly under the light. It's quite a spectacle! Underground rivers flow through the cavern, some of which flow into waterfalls! You can ride through some of these rivers on a leather raft for a unique experience. The various land forms are yet another demonstration of the power of nature!
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What are some Best Things to Do in Yishui?
Some Best Things to Do in Yishui include:Underground Great Canyon
What are some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Yishui?
Some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Yishui include:Underground Great Canyon:4.2
At what locations in Yishui can Best Things to Do in Yishui be found?
The Best Things to Do in Yishui are mainly located in:Underground Great Canyon:Yishui