Best Restaurants in June in Huazhou (Updated 2024)

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£4Fast Food
JC向光芒#2024 Where to play #Local food to eat #City Humanities Handbook #Small Discovery Society #Spring to play some flowers After going to Huazhou, what is the biggest feeling? That is, the stomach capacity of 256G is not enough! It's really delicious! No, I drove nearly 400 kilometers to start a two-day and one-night special soldiers food and drink tour! 🗓 Itinerary: Day [One]: Day [One]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two]: Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day [Two] Day Minzhu Road Pedestrian Street Luozhou Pedestrian Street → Huazhou Old City Gate → Shuangshuang Sugar Shop → Xingzhi Coffee → Return Foshan 🍲 Food recommendation: [One] Yafeng Chicken Hotel [RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart] Yafeng Chicken Rice stall Fragrant Chicken (💥 Recommended! It's delicious to Cantonese people want to scream!) (good powder, good), fried pig intestine, Chicken soup, sweet potato leaves (chicken oil fried), chicken oil rice 📝 pay attention to tips: This restaurant is only open for 16:00-19:00, don't be empty! Calculate the time to go! And there is no parking space, it is best to take a taxi. And the locals also love to eat, and please order the spice chicken as soon as you sit down! Hands are fast and slow! [Two] Xiazhibao Dessert Store [RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart] Xiazhibao Sugar Store (Xingfu Road Store) recommends pineapple sugar (local characteristics), fried bananas (this store is very popular with surrounding students, is a small price shop, the boss is a relatively old aunt) [Three] Huazhou Shuangshuang Sugar Water Store [RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart] (near Huazhou Old City Gate) Recommended handmade stewed sugar series (local characteristics, soft stewed and tough, very delicious)[Four] Qiaoyeji authentic water-separated steamed chicken [RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart] Qiaoyeji authentic water-separated steamed chicken (Huazhou store) Recommended water-separated steamed chicken (Huazhou non-legacy), chicken red wheat vegetables, iron plate sand ginger chicken kidney [Five] Changyu Mei Niuyu [RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart][RedHeart] Recommended beef miscellaneous full meal, Tanghe powder (please be sure to touch their special marinade! That is the soul) 🚉 Traffic Raiders: Foshan → Huazhou self-driving journey takes 4-5 hours (recommended to take Guangtai → ~ Zhan → Baomao Expressway); Guangzhou and Foshan also have high-speed rail to Huazhou. Friends who are not self-driving can choose to take the high-speed rail; the traffic in Huazhou City is also relatively smooth, but the streets in the old city are narrow, and there are more electric bicycles. It is very convenient to walk to eat and play and play.