
Renshou Black Dragon Lake Review

4.6 /5315 Reviews
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The Heilongtan Reservoir built for irrigation, with the afforestation of the reservoir Zhou gradually beautiful, there are monkeys, temples, boating lakes on many islands in the lake, there is a feeling of paradise... I feel that Heilongtan is relatively down, parking next to the dam, there is a monument after the dam, the memorial hall is not open, For 50 yuan, you can take a cruise and take a circle around the lake. For about an hour or two, there are two places to go ashore, one to see monkeys and one to see temples.

Renshou Black Dragon Lake

Posted: Nov 13, 2021
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  • 爱喝阔乐的青蛙
    Original Text

    I have been hearing this reservoir, thinking that it is all a farmhouse next to the reservoir, and the result is a place where you can climb the mountain and swim. The car can drive to the entrance of the scenic spot, and there are many restaurants that can park, 20 yuan a car. The roadside is all fried fish (20.30 yuan, tastes good but a bit fishy), and smoked fish (100 yuan a catty, I feel too expensive to buy) If you want to go to the mountain, you need to take a boat (only by boat)! We went during the Chinese New Year. There is no big boat, only a small boat pulled by manpower, 20 yuan/person. There are really many people, and they have been queued for more than an hour. When you arrive on the opposite island, you will have solicitors. You can choose to walk, motorcycle, wild boar. Because we went up late, the wild boar (the van really thinks about it now) went directly to the temple on the top of the mountain for 60 yuan. At that time, only the two of us could fight with others and it would be cheaper. There is a white tower on the top of the mountain, and there is a temple, where you can ask for incense. Baoen Temple is on the mountainside, and a driver halfway across the road pulled us over for 20 yuan. Baoen Temple is the Temple of Wealth, and then go inside to ask for a sign, ask for a sign is with the joy, and then take your own number to the circulation place to exchange the sign paper (2 yuan). The master said that there are no monkeys to see this mountain. It takes 80 yuan/person to see the island of monkeys. In the end, we didn't go, but I heard that the monkeys there like to eat jelly. If you go, you can prepare in advance. Overall it is good, climbing the mountain, blowing the hair, burning incense. Suitable for family to go together.

    Posted: Feb 22, 2023
  • 老老倪
    Original Text

    Renshou Heilongtan Scenic Area is located on Dayu East Road, Heilongtan Reservoir Center, Renshou County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, with a water area of 23 square kilometers. It was built in 1972 and is now a national scenic spot. In the scenic area, there are Taiyi Dam, Shuangyanzi, Penglai Island, Yinxigou Longdong, Dam majestic, Spill Waterfall, Longyan Monuments, Bao'en Monastery, Baxian Islands, Sanwan Jicui, Shuangyan Lake Light, Qinglong Flower Water, Shanwang Orchard and other ten scenic spots 40 landscapes.

    Posted: Sep 7, 2022
  • LB6876

    仁寿黑龙滩位于仁寿黑龙滩镇,是国家4 A景区。总面积115.3平方千米,拥有7峡7坝85座群岛,大坝高53米,长271米。这里绿树成荫,水质清澈,植被覆盖率达百分之九十八。主要景点有大坝,三大湾、蓬莱岛、龙岩摩崖造像、石刻书画等。这儿栖息着野、白鹭、灰鹤、天鹅等上百种鸟禽。到这儿一定要去品尝它的生态鱼。

    Posted: Aug 25, 2023
  • mssgzw

    黑龙滩,说是大景点,其实是个小景点,说是小景点,其实是个大景点。主要源于一个流传百年的“孝善神龙”的故事:相传在远古时代,在龙泉山脉居住着一户姓薛的人家,男人不幸早亡,留有一子名叫薛娃。孤儿寡母相依为命,过着孤苦伶仃的生活。一次偶然的机会薛娃得到了一颗红珠,竟有“空坛生米”的神奇效果,母子俩常用米来周贫济穷,被乡邻称赞为薛善人。谁知被一个名叫虎豺的贪心财主惦记慌忙之下,薛娃吞下了红珠,谁知异象横生,薛娃变成了一条黑龙,原来红珠便是上古时代化为龙泉山的那条苍龙的龙丹。为救母亲导致河水漫灌山头,淹死了迫害母亲的数十人,却被土地公告上天庭,天帝念在黑龙是因救母才淹死数十恶人,只是将其镇压在了伏龙观下。 黑龙被锁,其神魂却时常化作道士惩恶扬善,做了许多好事,深的百姓爱戴,修建报恩寺为其颂德。后来一条蛐因受香火蜕变成了一条蛟龙,常变成一白衣公子为害乡里,黑龙全力以赴但因龙身人足不敌蛟龙,幸有泥婆萨相助除掉了恶龙。 玉皇大帝得知黑龙的功德,决定将黑龙点化成为一条金龙,管辖四海。可黑龙坚持不授,并说:因为母亲,我将永远珍惜我的这支脚。玉皇大帝深受感动,封黑龙为“孝善神龙”,驻守合龙滩。从此,合龙滩也改名为黑龙滩。

    Posted: Aug 23, 2023
  • LB6876
    Original Text

    Heilongtan is located in Heilongtan Town, Renshou County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, known as the "Xiqiao First Sea". The water area is 23.6 square kilometers, and the maximum water storage is 3. 600 million cubic meters. Its vegetation coverage rate is 98 percent and forest coverage rate is 68 percent. Take a cruise to visit the gecko cliff, dragon cliff view, dragon island, Baoen Temple...Standing on the gecko cliff viewing platform, the view is wide, the lake and mountains have a panoramic view, the cliff along the east side of the island is carved with a height of 17 meters, a length of 18 meters of the dragon head and a 40 meter dragon body, it is worth seeing. Don't forget to taste the difficult ecological fish of the black dragon when you are tired, that is a must!

    Posted: May 23, 2023
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