Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 1 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Jiexiu - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    1864 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 167 reviews
    "The scenery is beautiful and it is worth visiting! However, the police of all scenic spots in Shanxi are free of tickets. Why do you still charge the police for tickets? Police serving the people! why! ? There are too few signs in the scenic area. I almost didn't find the Yunfeng Plank Road. Can't I set up an indication sign at the intersection? If you say service, the only good thing is the Jingjiao driver. No matter what point you are on the route, you will beckon and stop. This is a praise to Mianshan Scenic Area! Mianshan is so beautiful, Mianshan is really a scenic spot that has been ignored by the world! I suggest you go and experience it for yourself, and you will never regret it!"
    Jiexiu.Mian Mountain Scenic Aera
    16.7km from downtown
    Highlights: Mianshan Scenic Area is located 20 kilometers southeast of Jiexiu City. Surrounding the area are magnificent cliffs, cypress and pine trees, making for a beautiful landscape. Mianshan also has numerous ancient trees and fascinating stone formations, as well as all kinds of caves and waterfalls. There are more than one hundred caves, cliffs and stone formations both large and small. These include Baofu Rock, Fengfang Spring and Ligu Cliff. The hole in Baofu Rock is enormous. More than ten thousand visitors could fit inside at the same time without any of them feeling crowded. There are also many ancient temples scattered about the mountain. Tiewa Temple began construction during the Eastern Han Dynasty and Baofu Temple was founded during the Cao-Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Period.
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What are some Spring Outings in Jiexiu?
Some Spring Outings in Jiexiu include:Mianshan Scenic Area
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Jiexiu?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Jiexiu include:Mianshan Scenic Area:4.5
At what locations in Jiexiu can Spring Outings in Jiexiu be found?
The Spring Outings in Jiexiu are mainly located in:Mianshan Scenic Area:Jiexiu