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Top 1 Best Things to Do

Popular Best Things to Do in Lingbao - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    512 Review
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    "This is a very famous pass, not only often appeared in history books, but also the legendary blessing of Laozi, making this attraction full of historical and cultural connotation. The stone that Laozi wrote the Moral Sutra is still there and has magical power."
    13.1km from downtown
    Highlights: Hangu Pass Historical and Cultural Tourism Zone is a national AAAA tourism zone. It is one of the earliest forts in China. Located in the valley, visiting it is like a cave adventure. The main tourist spots include Taichu Palace, Daosheng Palace and the Taoist health preservation parks. It was a historic battlefield where war horses galloped and the place where Laozi, a thinker and philosopher in ancient China, composed Tao Te Ching. For thousands of years, Taoists from home and abroad have come here to pay tribute to Taoism and honor the forefathers of Taoism.
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What are some Best Things to Do in Lingbao?
Some Best Things to Do in Lingbao include:Hangu Pass Historical and Cultural Tourism Zone
What are some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Lingbao?
Some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Lingbao include:Hangu Pass Historical and Cultural Tourism Zone:4.3
At what locations in Lingbao can Best Things to Do in Lingbao be found?
The Best Things to Do in Lingbao are mainly located in:Hangu Pass Historical and Cultural Tourism Zone:Lingbao