Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 1 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Nanxiong - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1Closed
    908 Review
    "Very good, very cost-effective, very fun, that is, the motor park is very old, a bit ghost 👻 feeling, climbing the mountain is too tired, but also back the same way, there is nothing to see, the waterfall is very beautiful and spectacular."
    21.4km from downtown
    Highlights: Maozi Peak Forest Farm is situated in the northwest of Nanxiong City, bordering on Dayu County of Jiangxi Province in the north and northwest. It is the popular town of ginkgo, and there are birds and flowers in every season, the scenery of the mountains is very lovely. And it was once a revolutionary holy spot for guerrilla warfare. The Hat Peak Forest Farm is a low hill and the mountains are wavy. The forest farm is high in the north and west, low in the south and east.
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What are some Spring Outings in Nanxiong?
Some Spring Outings in Nanxiong include:Maozi Peak Forest Farm
At what locations in Nanxiong can Spring Outings in Nanxiong be found?
The Spring Outings in Nanxiong are mainly located in:Maozi Peak Forest Farm:Nanxiong