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Popular Best Things to Do in Ruicheng - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    671 Review
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    "Originally known as Dachunyang Wanshou Palace, it was built to commemorate the famous Taoist Lu Dongbin in the Tang Dynasty. It is a famous Taoist palace view. It is famous for its exquisite Yuan Dynasty murals and is one of the gems of ancient Chinese mural art. The main building complex of Yongle Palace sits north and south, and along the central axis are arranged in turn with the Dragon and Tiger Palace (Wujimen), Sanqing Palace (Wuji Palace), Chunyang Palace and Chongyang Palace. These buildings reflect the typical Yuan Dynasty Taoist Palace architectural style. Among them, the Sanqing Palace is the most magnificent, is the largest palace in the palace, and is also the essence of the mural art. Especially the "Dynasty Yuan Map" in the Sanqing Temple depicts the magnificent scenes of the Taoist gods worshiping the heavenly throne of the Yuan Dynasty. The picture characters are many, vivid, colorful and smooth. It is the peak of ancient Chinese mural art. It is the study of social life, religious belief, The costume system and so on have extremely high value. What is more shocking is that Yongle Palace has been relocated in order to cooperate with the construction of the Sanmenxia Reservoir of the Yellow River! This is simply an engineering miracle, let people pay homage to the wisdom and courage of ancient craftsmen. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the security uncles in each temple are not only very conscientious, but also enthusiastically share historical events about Yongle Palace with tourists, which gives me a deeper understanding of this place."
    3km from downtown
    Highlights: Yongle Palace, also known as Dachunyang Longevity Palace, was built in the Yuan Dynasty. Construction of such a magnificent palace complex with Taoist characteristics took over a century. Yongle Palace displays the typical architectural style of the Yuan Dynasty. Thick brackets intersect with each other layer by layer without much carved decoration. The architecture is spare and bright compared with the building style in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The halls are arranged on the south-north axis. Of note, there are elaborate wall paintings on the Yongle Palace. There are many and of high artistic value, true rarities.
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What are some Best Things to Do in Ruicheng?
Some Best Things to Do in Ruicheng include:Yongle Palace
What are some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Ruicheng?
Some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Ruicheng include:Yongle Palace:4.7
At what locations in Ruicheng can Best Things to Do in Ruicheng be found?
The Best Things to Do in Ruicheng are mainly located in:Yongle Palace:Ruicheng