

4.2 /5425 Reviews
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Xingye (Vientiane City Store) ~~ Address: Located at Vientiane City L613-L614 Shop ~~, No. 999 Wenrui Avenue. First of all, I am so angry and angry. There is obviously only one table in front. We have waited for 50 minutes. Do you know what concept? Every time I go to ask the waiter, there is only one answer: the next table is you. Ha ha... The next table is us I don't know! The point is that after coming in, just sat down, the dozen tables behind us all came in less than 10 minutes apart, you all give me a reasonable explanation! ! Really angry ~~ Tucao is over, the following dishes ~ Ace Curry Huang fried meat crab: non-member price is 189 yuan, slightly more expensive, one cockroach, but two people are enough to eat, the curry is really delicious, super meal. Originally ordered a pineapple fried rice, we still want a bowl of white rice (seems to be 5 yuan a bowl?), curry bibimbap is awesome, if the appetite is bigger, I can eat a whole bowl, hahaha. The pliers of the clams are recommended to be smashed a little more, and they can't bite at all. The meat inside can't be eaten. It's a waste of better ~~~ Pineapple Seafood Fried Rice: 59 yuan a piece, this price is still very worth it, even if there are several fresh shrimps. There are a few pieces of salmon, fried rice with bacon is just right, plus the sour taste of pineapple meat is just right, praise praise praise ~~~ Yangzhi Mann露: 16 yuan is really a conscience price, delicious and delicious, mango is very fresh and sweet, the whole dessert tastes not too sweet and too greasy, Similo also likes it, The fly in the ointment is that Xiyu is actually bitter ~~ Beautiful summer: a drink supported by the value of the face, not good to drink, the feeling of sugar and acid drinks mixed with water and added a lot of sugar, sweet fried ~ two people spent 287, eating very full ~~ There is also the environment, like the ceiling, unique style, More dreamy ~~ Originally, I could have given a five-star store. One star was deducted in equal places. I was angry ~~


Posted: Jan 24, 2017
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  • 嘿 土豆

    早听闻温州南洋菜 属星叶很大气的门口 客人爆满 足可见其品质 口碑点了招牌的椰子奶冻 新鲜的椰子 满是奶冻 西米露 加上芒果和薄荷叶 卖像无可挑剔 吃起来冰冰凉凉的椰子味 吃了油腻食物 来一口 合适 皇牌咖喱皇炒蟹肉:咖喱味很地道 口味上适中 蟹肉也是鲜嫩 唯一不足就是 蟹钳吃起来 不是那么方便 菠萝海鲜炒饭: 中规中矩的摆着 又带点 热情风情 炒饭颗粒分明 食材丰富 腰果 鱿鱼 大虾 菠萝 最后一把肉松

    Posted: Feb 3, 2020
  • 布鲁斯特亚


    Posted: Nov 20, 2017
  • _in***06


    Posted: Jun 25, 2017
  • 希儿.

    温州东南亚菜B打卡餐厅🍴是世界厨王坐镇的高端南洋料理餐厅🔥🍉餐前水果:百香果苹果🍏新鲜多汁的百香果和苹果,每一口,都带来了开胃又是清爽解腻🍲冬阴功汤🍲招牌菜冬阴功汤。酸爽的柠檬草、辣椒和香料的完美融合,瞬间勾起了味蕾的全部感官。浓郁的清香和微辣的口感,让人欲罢不能。🔥🍤招牌咖喱皇大虾🍤大虾坐拥着咖喱汁,散发着诱人的香味。吃下去,咖喱的浓郁和大虾的鲜美交融,令人陶醉。每一口都仿佛是对味蕾的一次豪华冲击,满足感爆棚!💥餐厅装饰别致又温馨,让人感到舒适宜人。餐厅服务员态度友好,给人宾至如归的感觉。泰国菜的每一道美食都散发出了独特的东南亚魅力,让我仿佛置身于泰国的大街小巷。🌴🌈STARLEAF星叶南洋料理·概念店(温州滨江万象城店)#温州假期聚会餐厅 #泰国菜 #温州仪式感餐厅 #约会餐厅  #氛围感餐厅 #纪念日餐厅  #生日餐厅   #温州必去餐厅 #温州美食 #温州探店

    Posted: Dec 13, 2023
  • 小安子旅行日记


    Posted: Dec 6, 2023
  • 吃喝玩乐不迷路呀

    值得N刷的星叶南洋料理!口感一绝👍万象城上这家新开没多久的南洋料理餐厅真的巨好吃😋值得我无限N刷!无论是环境还是服务都是没得挑的,性价比很高~尤其是靠窗的位置,到了晚上真的贼惬意🍃看着风景吃着美食美滋滋!! 🌟冬阴功汤刚端上来的时候香飘四溢的,汤汁鲜美浓郁,酸酸辣辣的很开胃,里面还配有蔬菜🥬营养价值均衡! 🌟招牌古法咖喱大虾招牌必点,桌桌都有一份,咖喱味很浓郁,虾肉Q弹爽滑,吃起来很有嚼劲,很下饭的~ 🌟青柠檬蒸黄花鱼色泽鲜艳诱人🤤鱼肉鲜嫩爽滑,入口即化的感觉刚刚好,蘸点汤汁口感更佳👍 店名:STARLEAR星叶南洋料理

    Posted: Jul 26, 2023
  • _in***12


    Posted: Jan 5, 2017
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