
Hyotei Review

4.6 /553 Reviews
🔥🔥京都米其林三星早餐:瓢亭晨粥🔥🔥瓢亭起源于四百多年前,位于南禅寺旁边,是游赏南禅寺人士最常休憩的地方。这里最开始是茶屋,以茶道精神”和、敬、清、寂“ 四规持续到今天。后来在1837年转型为料亭。早起,从蹴上站出来,大部分人右拐往南禅寺走去,只有个别人会往左拐,那就是清幽瓢亭所在的街区。瓢亭晨粥,在京都饮食界非常出名。🌟亮点特色:全世界米三仅此一家卖早餐。初衷是给京都祗园夜游的人或者歌舞伎提供朝食,如此风雅的传统流传到今天成了一大特色。拥有400多年历史的瓢亭三星料理人均约3000人民币,但是选对了时间,花人民币300元,同样能拥有风雅氛围。🖼就餐体验:我们预约了早晨10:00时段的晨粥,按照规矩,提前10分钟到了别馆,挑开暖帘进入室内,深秋寒冷的空气被隔离在了门外。中居正在送上一时段的客人,好听的 おおきにー一下子让我找到了古京都的韵味。按照预约顺序,客人一位位被领进了内室。我们被安排在了窗户边的四人位上,桌椅十分简单,甚至会感觉有些拥挤。但是入座的安排很贴心的刻意松散开,让客人之间保持适当的距离。当下的氛围刚刚好吻合了日本社会”侘寂“的美学观念。今天京都天气特别好,窗外是个迷你的庭院,有流水有松柏,水面波光粼粼,光斑晃进室内,让简朴的环境获得了一种神韵。🍽美食攻略:首先被送上的,是一个有名的瓢亭玉子、形如葫芦的三层钵物和一杯茶。🥢瓢亭玉子就是溏心蛋,味道没有如何特别,但因为是首创,所以地位是相当硬气。🥢半熟蛋这个主角登场,我们的目光立刻被半凝固状态的蛋黄给吸引住了。🥢剖开的半熟蛋白通体透明,荡漾着吹弹可破的蛋黄。加上乌鱼子、鲷鱼寿司、一块非常甜的红薯,一枚银杏做成一个拼盘。🥢三层钵物盛放的是三种小菜: 蒸马鲛鱼和海蕴;鳕鱼子、芋头和豆腐皮;还有芝麻凉拌菜。🥢葫芦钵上印着赖山阳的和歌“一带青松路不迷”,赖山阳是江户时代著名的汉学家,这句话歌咏的正是南禅寺一带的景色。🥢碗物,清汤中的一块豆腐,上面盖着海苔,清汤中还有葱花碎。话说回来,京都的豆腐料理也是一大特色。🥢然后端上来的又是一大套:这次真的是粥了。 盛粥的铁钵形同南禅寺僧人的手钵,米粒分明,汤汁却有稠稠的感觉。 关键是旁边黑漆小壶里的酱汁。这个酱汁是用米汤加上酱油和盐做的,透亮丝滑,鲜咸甘醇。先把米粥盛在瓷碗里,然后浇上一些酱汁,米的口感和鲜咸的味道,层次感非常丰富,虽然已经半饱,但还是一碗一碗停不下来。🥢随粥奉上的,还有一份京野菜做的渍物,大根、紫苏萝卜和小银鱼,让1+1产生了n次方的延展。吃个早餐,也可以吃出古都风味的美。瓢亭对游客而言,不能简单算是一个餐厅,可以将它列为一个景点,让人在短暂的一个小时里,体验京都古韵。💰人均消费:早餐4840日元起(含税及服务费,约合人民币309元)🕙营业时间:早餐8:00-11:00;怀石料理11:00-17:30(周四休息)📍详细地址:京都府京都市左京区南禅寺草川町35🚗交通攻略:地铁东西线约7分钟再"蹴上站",步行5分钟


Posted: Feb 9, 2020
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  • _june.6
    Original Text

    One of Kyoto's historic restaurants, the restaurant is very style, full of Zen, the service is also standardized, the dishes are exquisite and the container is chic. Eggs, evenly cooked, tender protein, and moderate yolk sticky.

    Posted: Feb 27, 2020
  • StevenDJR
    Original Text

    Kaiseki cuisine is very exquisite. Every dish is exquisite, the taste is good, friends who like meat suggest not to go. Generally, just taste the taste. It is not enough to eat. .

    Posted: Dec 12, 2018
  • msms
    Original Text

    Breakfast in the other restaurant, no appointment, come to take a chance. Someone came in one after another, and maybe you don't need to make an appointment? After eating sashimi steak for a few days, the porridge is not bad for a change. Except for Kunbumeizi tea, it really didn't feel amazing.

    Posted: Nov 20, 2018
  • 微辣
    Original Text

    It is the first time that the four hundred-year-old pilgrimage has been eaten, and there is Zen in the elegant. The location is excellent, on the edge of Nanchan Temple. The dining area has large floor-to-ceiling windows and you can see the exquisite courtyard view. The waiter's service attitude is very good, from welcoming guests to serving food to sending guests, the whole smile. The dishes are rich, the overall taste is relatively light, and the heart egg is soft and tender. This restaurant is famous for its light taste, exquisite dishes and pleasant scenery.

    Posted: Oct 18, 2017
  • 独自出去逛逛
    Original Text

    Three meals in Kyoto | punch in three hundred-year-old cuisine pavilions||🥣 Breakfast: 🥢 Yuting Asahi Congee 🍚 450 years ago, people who went to Nanchan Temple to pray were resting in the Yuting tea room. Now it has become a Michelin Samsung restaurant. Dinner is expensive, but the summer limited breakfast (asahi porridge) is worth a try. The restaurant is in a courtyard, and the utensils for breakfast are very particular. A few stacks of side dishes, a grilled fish, and a bowl of white porridge that can be added to the soup are really low-key luxury. 💰 Package price: 6957🥣 Lunch: 🥢 Shunzheng Soup Tofu 🍲 The 300-year-old Soup Tofu Shop is located on the road to Nanchan Temple. The Shunzheng Academy where the restaurant is located is built in the Edo era. The lotus blossoms in the summer courtyard have a Zen style. There is a set meal at noon, and the signature soup tofu must be ordered. It is a meal of tofu feast with tofu skin, white flavored tofu, and soy milk. In summer, there is also a cold tofu set meal, and the soy sauce and Beijing onion are particularly cool. 💰 Package price: 4800🥣 Dinner: 🥢 Moritaya Shouxi Burning 🐂 The 100-year Shouxi Burning Shop, founded in Meiji 2 (1869), is a very traditional Kansai Shouxi Burning flavor. Located in Shijo, each private room is a landmark in Kyoto. The waiter in kimono will cook at the table. The quality of beef is very good, and the fried beef is wrapped in raw egg liquid and is really satisfying. The side dishes include Kyoto local onions, Kyoto nine onions, konjac silk, tofu, and rice is super delicious! 💰 Package price: 7700#Japan Tourism #Japanese Food #Kyoto Food

    Posted: Nov 27, 2023
  • 米其林吃货
    Original Text

    It’s really enjoyable to eat delicious kaiseki cuisine in such a special space. The first thing to come up is the pre-food, which is served in a cold glass bowl [Akashi Sashimi]. The main course has only Akashiki for 1 year, and the ingredients are Tuzu soy sauce and tomato sauce. Tomato sauce is still rare, but the sour and sweet flavor of tomato sauce with fresh salmon fillets is very refreshing, this should also be a brand new taste!

    Posted: Aug 16, 2016
  • 逛吃逛吃呜
    Original Text

    The Kaiseki cuisine of Michelin Samsung's store, which is booked in advance, has the official website, and is enough to do the guide. I know the name and order of each dish, and I don't feel tired after eating for three hours. The environment and service are very good. Who said that Kaiseki cuisine is not enough to eat, slowly taste a road is very full. After eating, walk to Nanchan Temple, all the way is the scene

    Posted: Oct 29, 2015
  • Hanadan-go
    Original Text

    { Yuting Bieguan Early porridge } At the beginning of this year, I had dinner with my friends in Yuting. It seems that the package is still 30,000 yen, but I don’t know the essence of Yuting. The old-fashioned pavilion is the signboard of the pavilion iron. In addition to the dinner, the morning porridge here is also the home of Huadan, famous in the world. The three-stage gourd-shaped ceramic containers, the taste of various side dishes are particularly mature. Add the secret jade that was inherited 400 years ago and the price/performance ratio of this breakfast is indisputable. Let's talk about the main character. The breakfast porridge in winter is "steak porridge". The taste is more than the most basic white porridge. It is a hint of subtle meat and wild flavor. It warms the stomach and warms the heart. It is worth a bowl of special drinks. The morning porridge of Xuting made me re-acquaint myself with this 450-year-old shop. The reason why it became a legend is that he has no exaggeration and strength.

    Posted: Dec 25, 2017
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