Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 3 Spring Outings

Top 3 Spring Outings in Baoji - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    2525 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 50 reviews
    "The scenery is very good, it is worth a try, the friends who love to hike can challenge the pull of Sendai, the friends who are pure can also take the ropeway directly, the scenery on the top of the mountain is beautiful"
    Mei County
    63km from downtown
    Highlights: The Taibai Mountain National Forest Park is located at the northern foot of Taibai Mountain, the main peak of the Qin Mountains. The park's Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qin range and extends to a height of over 3,700 meters. Beautiful scenery fills the park, and the summits are covered in snow all year round, even at the height of summer. Today, Taibai Mountain Forest Park is beloved of hiking enthusiasts. These visitors enjoy Taibaishan by climbing and crossing the mountain, whether in light or heavy gear. Routes to the summit include the north slope and the south slope, with visitors either hiking or taking a tram. Guests climbing the mountain must stick to developed mountain climbing routes and may not venture off the main paths.
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  • top_2
    467 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 12 reviews
    "There are different beautiful scenery in different seasons. A good place to enjoy the cool in summer. You can climb the Lingyun Plank Road and visit the Doum Waterfall. It is suitable for two days to play. At night, there is a homestay in the forest park. The ice waterfall in winter is also beautiful, as if you are in a fairy tale world."
    Mei County
    54.9km from downtown
    Highlights: The Honghe Valley Forest Park is located in Shaanxi Province's Meixian County with direct access to the Taibai Mountain Scenic Area. Green forests and lush plant life cover the Honghe Valley. When visitors first enter the Honghe Valley Forest Park, they can see religious and cultural sites, such as Jinglin and Xiandong Temples. The mountains here are steep, with flowing waterfalls and caves hidden by water curtains. This area also has quaternary-type glaciers, which are unique to Taibai Mountain.
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  • top_3
    233 Review
    "In the summer scenic area, there is a lot of water, and there are wooden trestle bridges leading to the waterside, which can be played with water and cool and comfortable. The scenic area is divided into fog waterfall scenic area and Shenvfeng scenic area, and the time to play varies."
    42.8km from downtown
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What are some Spring Outings in Baoji?
Some Spring Outings in Baoji include:Taibai Mountain National Forest Park|Red River Resorts|Taibai Qingfengxia Forest Park
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Baoji?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Baoji include:Taibai Mountain National Forest Park:4.6|Red River Resorts:4.4|Taibai Qingfengxia Forest Park:4.4
At what locations in Baoji can Spring Outings in Baoji be found?
The Spring Outings in Baoji are mainly located in:Taibai Mountain National Forest Park:Mei County|Red River Resorts:Mei County|Taibai Qingfengxia Forest Park:Taibai