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Popular Performances in Zhoushan - 2024

Catch the best live performances in Zhoushan! Enjoy world-class acts and unforgettable shows.
Updated Jun 2024
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    367 Review
    "The performance itself is good, the screenwriter is more sincere, and of course there is no special surprise. The local special performance is still worth seeing. It would be better if the price was closer to the people. The actor is very professional"
    Zhoushan.Putuo Mountain
    16.9km from downtown
    Highlights: The Putuoshan Theatre's grand performance of the "Kuanshiyin" Buddhist festival was performed by the famous director Ding Jianping, who was the artistic director and producer of Yue Opera Performing Artist Wang Zhiping, who had directed large-scale panoramic song and dance performances such as "Song of the Ages". As the general director, with the theme of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the verses such as the Heart Sutra and the Great Compassion Singing are used as musical themes to create a multi-element performance and use high-tech techniques to create the artistic conception of the Haitian Buddha country. The triple symphony of sex and appreciation is integrated.
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What are some Performances in Zhoushan?
Some Performances in Zhoushan include:Guan Shi Yin Performance
What are some highly-rated Performances in Zhoushan?
Some highly-rated Performances in Zhoushan include:Guan Shi Yin Performance:4.4
At what locations in Zhoushan can Performances in Zhoushan be found?
The Performances in Zhoushan are mainly located in:Guan Shi Yin Performance:Zhoushan