13 Spooky Places to Visit Around the World

Oct 27, 2022


  • 1. Eltz Castle, Germany
  • 2. Catacombs of Paris, France
  • 3. The Tower of London, England
  • 4. The Forest of Crosses, Catalonia, Spain
  • 5. Poveglia Island, Venice, Italy
  • 6. Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
  • 7. Corvin Castle, Hunedoara, Romania
  • 8. Okunoin Cemetery, Japan
  • 9. Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, USA
  • 10. Sedlec Ossuary, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
  • 11. La Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • 12. Beelitz-Heilstätten Hospital, Beelitz, Germany
  • 13. Salem, Massachusetts, USA
  • Show More

October is upon us! And that means the leaves turning orange, the nights drawing in - and spooky season.

Should you possess an interest in the macabre, the dark, the unexplained, then we at want to indulge you. How? By showcasing some of the spookiest places to visit (and the nearest convenient airport and even hotel options, too).

Whether you're a fan of Halloween or not, we want to inspire you to do a bit of left-field exploration this time around. Expect no tricks, all treats as we dive into some of the strangest places you can check out this autumn season. Enjoy…

Eltz Castle in the fog is a truly eerie, but beautiful, sight

Eltz Castle in the fog is a truly eerie, but beautiful, sight. Image: Cederic Vandenberghe / Unsplash

Undeniably beautiful and steeped in legend, Eltz Castle - or Burg Eltz - is nonetheless a delightfully spooky place to visit. With the mediaeval castle's forest backdrop and river surroundings, it's a popular haunt (sorry) for tourists.

Having been in existence since the 12th century, Eltz Castle boasts an enormous amount of history. However, a particular tale - about a young countess who perished in the castle after she scorned her betrothed - means her former bedroom, which comes complete with axe and pierced armour, is particularly eerie…

A staggering 6 million bodies lay in Paris's catacombs

A staggering 6 million bodies lay in Paris's catacombs. Image: Syann Schaub / Unsplash

No list of spooky places to visit would be complete without mention of the Catacombs of Paris. This vast network of tunnels houses the remains of a scarcely-believable 6 million+ people, and has become a famous Parisian place of interest.

The scores of skeletal remains on show were opened to the public in 1874, with the walls made of bones a particular 'highlight'. Even more spookily, the sign above the visitor's entrance reads: Arrête! C'est ici l'empire de la Mort ("Stop! This is the empire of Death")...

Is the Tower of London the British building with the darkest reputation?

Is the Tower of London the British building with the darkest reputation? Image: Nick Fewings / Unsplash

Despite its regal appearance and huge significance in England's history, the Tower of London is a must-see for fans of the gruesome as well. Folklore has perhaps overblown the Tower's reputation, but there is unquestionably a darkness to its past, with the fortress known for unsavoury acts towards those who committed crimes.

Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's second wife, was famously beheaded there in 1536 for treason, and her ghost still wanders around the Tower to this day - if you believe such things, of course - making it a great experience as a spooky place to visit.

The burnt trees beneath Montserrat Mountain look like old headstones

The burnt trees beneath Montserrat Mountain look like old headstones. Image: Ruben Bagues / Unsplash

Not far from the beauty of Barcelona lies a far eerier landscape - the Bosc de les Creus, a graveyard of burnt trees forming a truly creepy sight. With the backdrop of Montserrat Mountain adding to the forests' dark vibes, it's a worthy addition as a spooky place to visit.

Located less than an hour's drive from the Catalan capital, head to the Montserrat National Park and drink in the atmosphere. A memorable day trip away from the tourists awaits all those who dare visit...

Sadly - or happily - you can't get much closer to Poveglia than this

Sadly - or happily - you can't get much closer to Poveglia than this. Image: Ray Harrington / Unsplash

Sadly you can't pop over to the island itself, but you can see it in the gorgeous surroundings of the Venetian Lagoon. It looks pretty enough, but Poveglia has one of the darkest histories you could 'hope' to hear.

In 1776, the island was used as a quarantine station for those suffering from the plague, and then it later served as an asylum. Since this closed in 1968, the island has been vacant, but it has been claimed that it's a hotbed of paranormal activity - feel free to YouTube it, if you're feeling bold…

There are numerous 'ghost sightings' at Edinburgh Castle.

There are numerous 'ghost sightings' at Edinburgh Castle. Image: Jorge Angeli / Unsplash

It may be one of Scotland's most popular tourist attractions, but rumours abound of ghostly apparitions and spooky sightings at Edinburgh Castle. If you're into such things, let us talk you through…

First up, the Grey Lady, a 16th-century noblewoman, who has been spotted weeping and wandering around the castle. Next, there are allegedly soldiers, with the faint sound of ghostly bagpipes in the distance. Then - more than a little humorously - there is The Castle's Unluckiest Prisoner, who smells of manure and tries to push over visitors. And finally there's even a ghostly dog moseying around, too.

Hot tip - be sure to also check out Edinburgh's Old Town Fright Night on

Corvin Castle is the inspiration for Dracula's home

Corvin Castle is the inspiration for Dracula's home. Image: Bojor Gabi / Unsplash

No list of spooky places to visit would be truly complete without reference to that most ubiquitous of literary baddies - Bram Stoker's Dracula. He famously came from Transylvania, where Corvin Castle looms, foreboding and beautiful.

One of the largest castles in Europe and one of the Seven Wonders of Romania, its aesthetics are undeniable. However its association with Vlad the Impaler, and influence on Stoker's work, make it something of a pilgrimage among vampire-lovers - and rightly so.

Honourable mention also goes to Hoia Forest, a couple of hours drive away near Cluj-Napoca. This truly atmospheric place of interest is known as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania due to its sightings of spirits among the crooked trees…

The gorgeous flora around a grave at Okunoin Cemetery.

The gorgeous flora around a grave at Okunoin Cemetery. Image: Sava Bobov / Unsplash

Not a spooky place to visit in a typical sense, but in a more peaceful and sombre way. The largest graveyard in Japan is 1200 years old and eerily beautiful, with over 200,000 headstones lining a mile-long stretch of land.

We recommend doing a night tour at Okunoin Cemetery, with the ghostly yellow light from the stone lanterns casting shadows across the tombs. Keep an eye out for the cute but sad Jizo Bosatsu, the little statues with red woven hats that protect the souls of children.

The vast empty cells of Eastern State Penitentiary

The vast empty cells of Eastern State Penitentiary. Image: Lance Anderson / Unsplash

Possibly one of the spookiest places to visit on this entire list, the Eastern State Penitentiary was once home to some of America's most notorious criminals. And if that photo doesn't give you the shivers, nothing will…

Despite being revolutionary in its ethos of reform rather than punishment, the prison - which closed in 1971 - is incredibly gloomy and ominous, with numerous shows and stories covering paranormal activity here. It's even become famous for its Haunted House events, so the brave can actually embrace the terror…


The real-life skull and bone decorations at Sedlec Ossuary. Image: Nik Demidko

A spooky place to visit is sometimes difficult to define - it could be an aura, or its appearance - but sometimes the creepiness is very obvious, staring at you in the face. The Sedlec Ossuary in the Czech Republic very much falls into the latter category.

Why is it so spooky? Well, it's a Roman Catholic chapel adorned with the skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people, which serve as decorations and furnishings. We think it's fair to say, then, that this UNESCO World Heritage site is a must for fans of the macabre.

The extravagant tombs at La Recoleta

The extravagant tombs at La Recoleta. Image: Miguel Bruna / Unsplash

Many famous Argentines are interned at La Recoleta in Buenos Aires. The beautiful tombstones and statues are a worthy tourist attraction unto themselves, even if you ignore the eerie theme of this blog. Which you shouldn't..

Anyway, the cemetery makes our list of spooky places to visit due to its haunted aura and creepy stories. Legend tells of a gravedigger, who took his own life after 30 years of tending to La Recoleta - and if you're there at dawn, you can apparently hear the soft jangling of his keys…

The creepy halls of Beelitz-Heilstätten Hospital.

The creepy halls of Beelitz-Heilstätten Hospital. Image: Andre Klimke / Unsplash

Just 30 miles (50 km) outside of Berlin lies the Beelitz-Heilstätten Hospital - and while any abandoned building can give you the shivers, this old tuberculosis sanatorium is a really creepy place.

Its history is long, with the hospital housing numerous war wounded and other stricken people. However, wandering around Beelitz-Heilstätten Hospital you can practically hear the patients' screams echoing across the halls. A truly worthy addition to our spooky places to visit

Day of the Dead costumes - Halloween in Salem

Day of the Dead costumes - Halloween in Salem. Image: Sandro Gonzalez / Unsplash

We sign off on our spooky places to visit with a trip to not just a building or landmark, but an entire city. Salem, Massachusetts was an early settlement of the first English colonists, and it has become well-known as the site of the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692.

Hosting some of the oldest sites in the USA, Salem is the perfect Halloween destination, with October boasting a whole heap of things to do that are sure to be frighteningly good fun. Don't miss out! is a site that offers a huge range of flights, hotels, attraction and tour tickets, car hire options, train tickets, and more. With our Trip Coin reward system ensures that the more you book, the more you benefit from using us.

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